17th National SSE/SSEHV e-Convocation
Submitted by admin on Wed, 13/01/2021 - 4:08pm

REMEMBER to invite ALL Parents & Children in your center, community and contact list to witness the FIRST EVER Virtual Sathya Sai Convocation
Check out the impact of Human Values classes on our young youths.
Hundreds of Selfless Seva project by the graduates available in Youtube just by keyword search of "YYLP" or "Young Youth Internship".
Below are some samples from the past years.
Batch 2017 : https://youtu.be/QD_M7QAbSSo
Batch 2018 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lH5x8KdomRM
Stay tune for more from 2019 batch of our beloved SAI graduates on 23rd Jan 2021