Journey with Sai Vol 8

Sis Tharani.Nagarajah | SSBC Segambut
Recently, I felt like the bond between Swami and I was getting weaker and weaker. Every decision I took, I felt like Swami was not there to guide me.
Everytime I cry, I felt like Swami was not there watching me. Until one fine day, during meditation, I saw Swami, wearing his orange robe, waiting for me at a beach, with a Smile on his face. I asked him what to do in life as I was struggling to make a decision. He held my hand and said "I know what I'm doing, all you got to do is have faith in me". That's when I knew it's the time for me to surrender to him, and I did.
Life has been great ever since then, because I know whatever that is happening in my life, it's all happening for a reason.
(I drew the picture when I was 16, and it came true.